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Using nixhelm#

nixhelm is a collection of Helm Charts that can be used with nix-kube-generators and therefore also nixidy. The charts are automatically updated to the most recent version by CI regularly.

To use with nixidy the nixhelm derivation attribute set can be passed to nixidy's mkEnv builder like so.

  description = "My ArgoCD configuration with nixidy.";

  inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
  inputs.flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";

  inputs.nixidy = {
    url = "github:arnarg/nixidy";
    inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

  inputs.nixhelm = {
    url = "github:farcaller/nixhelm";
    inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

  outputs = {
  }: (flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: let
    pkgs = import nixpkgs {
      inherit system;
  in { = nixidy.lib.mkEnv {
      inherit pkgs;

      # Pass nixhelm to all nixidy modules.
      charts = nixhelm.chartsDerivations.${system};

      modules = [./env/dev.nix];

And then the argument charts will be passed to every module in nixidy.

}: {
  applications.traefik = {
    namespace = "traefik";
    createNamespace = true;

    helm.releases.traefik = {
      # Use the traefik helm chart from nixhelm.
      chart = charts.traefik.traefik;

      # Example values to pass to the Helm Chart.
      values = {
        ingressClass.enabled = true;

Provide your own charts not available in nixhelm#

Not all charts are available in nixhelm and in such cases you can contribute an initial version to them or setup a special folder structure locally to merge with the charts argument passed to modules.

With the nixidy option nixidy.chartsDir that folder will be walked recursively and look for default.nix files that will build up the charts attribute set.

  repo = "";
  chart = "csi-driver-nfs";
  version = "4.7.0";
  chartHash = "sha256-EU2qaZglUU3vxa41l1p/2yBscksIhYMr8kSgH8t0vL8=";

And then in your nixidy modules you pass that ./charts folder to nixidy.chartsDir.

{charts, ...}: {
  # Point nixidy to a directory with charts to add to
  # the charts attribute set.
  nixidy.chartsDir = ../charts;

  # Use the nfs chart in an application.
  applications.csi-driver-nfs = {
    namespace = "kube-system";

    helm.releases.csi-driver-nfs = {
      chart = charts.kubernetes-csi.csi-driver-nfs;

      # Pass some values overrides to the chart.
      values = {};